If you had any

Superhero power

For a day

What would it be

And what would you do?

Super flight


Every country in the world

With possible

Conflict alerting

Airforce of

Every nation

Super strength

To clear debris

And save people

Trapped from national disasters

Only there's so much 

Help you can do

In such a short span of time

Super speed

Catching criminals

And averting disaster

From sticky


Yet paying for food

As you burn all

Those calories

Would be an issue

Super intelligence

Being able to solve

Any of the world's problems

Which might

Get you targeted

By those who don't want

Certain answers found

And known...

Many more to

Consider for sure

But keep in mind

For every


There's a 


Consequence to its 

Widespread use

Especially with

The pressure

Of time

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