Water, calm and serene
Still, uninterrupted
Blissful and interconnected
Each drop forming
A unified whole
A pebble
Recently introduced
Shakes the very foundation
As if The water Was fleeing
From the source
Of interruption
Another pebble
Not too far
From the first
Joins in
Fear setting in
Within the aqua hive
Recognizing the
Second round
Two more
Join the war
Sacrificing themselves
In the process
Shaking the aquatic world
Even more
Causing more chaos
Upset and impact
Energy flowing
Outward now
From four
Different locations
Causing droplets
To collide
And interact
Against their will
And just when
All hope was
About to be lost
The attacks cease
The collisions subside
The ripples become
No more
And peace
Calm and bliss
Sets in
Once again