That Moment When...

At least

Once in a lifetime

There exists

A particular

Moment in time

Where you know

Your life will 

Never be the same


It's as if

You can see

Where you've come

The hurdles you 

Had to endure

Walls you had to surpass

Cliffs to climb

To get to that exact point

And you can also


What this very action

Will do for you

And the people 

Around you

That refined

And definitive

View of a near


Makes the future 

Feel bright


And meaningful

Making every day

A pleasure

To be in

Everyone has

That one moment


They know

Things are about to

Change very

Radically and the speed

In which

That happens

Depends on you

And your actions

If you haven't

Felt it yet

You'll know it

When you get there

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